Workshops & Trainings

Workshops for Organizations and Communities

I offer interactive workshops on self-care, mental health, and equity, helping organizations and communities build supportive, inclusive environments. All workshops include a teaching portion, participant discussion and/or exercises, and personalized next steps.

Workshops are generally 60 minutes long and cost $925. For sliding scale options, custom requests, or a workshop series, please reach out.

  • It feels impossible to make time for yourself when other people are constantly depending on you for their wellbeing. In this workshop, we will take a compassionate and realistic approach to caring for yourself, using our values and ethics as professionals together with the signals we are getting from our minds and bodies to guide us.

  • When your work or your values center on social justice, how can you turn away in order to practice self-care? The world needs too much attention for that kind of indulgence. And yet, we cannot create the world we want to see by using the same definitions of productivity and accountability that our oppressive systems use. Let’s consider new definitions that allow us to build a sustainable and equitable future, that includes our own wellbeing.

  • As we rush through each day to get as much done as possible, we often lose sight of what we are doing it all for. We get too lost in the details to remember our vision or even our sense of self. This workshop gives space for just that: a reflection on what we need to show up the way we want to show up, as individuals and as a community. Particularly appropriate to marks endings, beginnings, or holidays, this workshop can also be offered several times throughout the year for added support and accountability.

  • The culture of body shame is pernicious, whether by people lamenting how much they ate at lunch, judging clothing choices, or valuing productivity (using up the body) above wellbeing (letting the body rest). The energy spent on policing each other’s (and our own) bodies is enormous. This workshop lays out the body-shame traps we fall into so you can spot them when you see them and offers an alternative that values all bodies no matter their presentation or ability.

  • I am happy to consult with your leadership to come up with a custom workshop to meet the needs of your group at this moment. Custom workshops may incur additional fees.

Professional Development for Therapists

I provide trainings for groups of clinicians on integrating body liberation into therapeutic practice and understanding why trauma must be addressed at the level of the nervous system. These trainings offer practical, research-based tools to help therapists create safer, more inclusive spaces for healing. These trainings are well suited for agency settings, group practices, and peer supervision or support groups. No CEUs are available at this time.

Trainings are generally 90 minutes long and cost $1260. For details, please reach out.

  • Learn why it’s vital to address body sensations when treating “little t” or “big T” trauma. We’ll cover why the body needs attention in treatment; EMDR and somatic therapy as potential practice approaches; and how to assess a new practice approach before training/offering it to clients.

  • What messages did you grow up hearing about fatness? About disability? What are we told will be better if we are thin? Healthy? The language changes but diet culture and fat phobia are the waters we swim in. Clients are swimming in those waters, too, and we can cause real harm by reinforcing them. This training touches on eating disorders, body positivity, fat acceptance , and body liberation. Clinicians will walk away with tools and resources to reduce harm in their clinical practice and move clients toward a more liberatory perspective.